In August 2020 we were celebrating – SBC overwhelmingly rejected Wasdells development proposal in Pack Hill, Wanborough, which contravened no less than 20 irregularities with Planning regulations, stating it was: “an unsustainable form of development on a greenfield site”.
The applicants – the Wasdell Group – have, unsurprisingly, decided to Appeal the decision which will be heard from 15th June to 6th July 2021.
All the objection letters received to the main application will be considered as part of the appeal. The Planning Inspector will however consider new evidence that may have come to light since August 2020.
The major new change is the announcement of the sale of the Honda site to Panattoni securing the current employment land, thereby releasing 370 acres (152 hectares) of new industrial development land to be made available for local business (4 times size of Inlands farm site).
Honda Site Sale welcomed by town ouncillors
Hondas Swindon Site Sold-New owner planning 700 million investment
Honda Confrims New Owner for Swindon Site
Therefore if you have previously objected, the SSPG urgently encourage you to send a follow up objection, citing the enormous opportunities that Panattoni’s investment brings to Swindon.
Write a fresh objection letter by 26th April using the new evidence about Panattoni’s purchase of Honda site adding a further 152 hectares of logistic property with a £700m investment!
The site already has road network and facilities allowing Wasdell to meet their needs without destroying our green belt.
New Information Objection to quote Appeal Reference APP/U3935/W/21/3269667 Email to helen.skinner@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
Remember to include your name and address
Letter to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/M Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol.
To make it easy use this as a starter....
Create objection letter
ACT NOW SSPG will not cease in its energy & focused opposition to this speculative proposal SSPG will not cease in its energy & focused opposition to this speculative proposal